Finches featured image

Line Drawings of Birds

I recently drew some white on black line drawings of birds and I’m pretty pleased with the results.

1) A drawing of two gold finches sitting on a bird feeder.

Line Drawing of Gold Finches
Line drawing of two gold finches

2) A line drawing of a feeding nuthatch.

Line drawing of a nuthatch
A nuthatch poses while eating.

3) Line drawing of three herons. Based on a picture by Melinda Foster (

Line drawing of three herons
Line drawing of three herons.

New Photo Galleries

I have uploaded two photo galleries. They contain digital photographs of birds and insects I have taken over the past couple of years. The content for this gallery will evolve as I continue honing my photography skills.

Digital Photography – Insects

Digital Photography – Birds

Here is a link to the Gallery Section.

Having fun with an iconic Sci-Fi Design: An alternate USS Enterprise – Part 4

USS Enterprise thumbnailWith the release of the Star Trek: Into Darkness in just a couple of months I thought I would post the updates made to my alternate USS Enterprise. I’ve also been working on my lighting techniques in Cinema 4D to make this collection of computer generated polygons look like a physical object and a gallery at the end of the article showcases my best renders.

I’ve made some big changes to the Enterprise because I couldn’t wrap my head around two of the design elements. These two areas were the engine supports and the open/flared area around the front that looks like it would collect all sorts of space “garbage” for lack of a better term. I also made alterations to the saucer near the neck and straightened the engine supports. The curved supports are my main annoyance of both the official 2009 design of the Enterprise and my alternate design. In fact the new design of USS Enterprise might be my favourite if it weren’t for those idiotic supports. Maybe after all the carnage the ship goes through in the movie they’ll be fixed (though I doubt it)*.

I decided to do some before and after renders to show the big changes I’ve made to the design.

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